Saturday 12 May 2012

Bad Taste

Usually I don‘t care much about birthday presents. I reckon 9 out of 10 pressies are just useless stuff. 
A friend of mine threw a ‘Bad Taste birthday party‘ the other night but this time I actually felt like giving a present. But what would you give to a 27 year old male friend? 
Women are easy – some sort of cute decoration, a soft toy, perfumed candle or a mug will do the trick. Men are the real challenge! They need something practical. However I don‘t want to spend a fortune. So I thought of something edible: cupcakes! Just as they say ‘The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.‘
Since it was a ‘Bad Taste party‘ I couldn‘t just bake cupcakes. Some of them should actually have bad taste – and by that I mean literally. First I thought about Vegemite but since that is almost impossible to find in Austria I thought salt will do. 
I painted a box and covered the inside with aluminium foil, made a little card et voilà. 
There were some really crazy outfits! Awesome party! Sadly I couldn't stay for too long :( 

ps: There‘ll be a little comic but it‘ll take me a while I reckon.


  1. just so we're clear here..
    the Vegemite was MY idea .. wasn' it?
    (Happy B-day, D!!)

  2. have to disappoint you, it was actually my idea :D

  3. it really actually wasn't .. you just like to think that

  4. what if you think that I like to think that way... ??
    (th)IN(k)CEPTION!!! :D
