Friday 25 May 2012

Happy birthday, little sis!

It took quite a while for me and my friends to finally send my sister‘s birthday present over to England. First we wanted to let her think she won‘t get anything at all but then my mum gave us away. Almost a month later our package arrived with all the little pressies. 
What a bad sister I‘d be if I didn‘t make an own comic?! So a friend helped me with the story and I did the drawings just for my (c)ute little sister  :D

Happy (belated) birthday, little sis! 

(@ Ute: I couldn‘t post this earlier for you‘d have known there was a comic in the box.) 

1 comment:

  1. That comic is so awesome!! :)
    Everyone here loves it... especially me, of course. ;D
    Thanks a lot!
