Tuesday 5 June 2012

Another Birthday

Ok... since I‘m not quite convinced by the comic I‘ll just tell the story in a few words so you can actually have a laugh. 
This is what happened (at least how I remember it):
I went to have dinner with a few friends and while we went into the restaurant I remember one of my friends saying something about having his birthday on the very same day*. Since I knew he was 20 years old he – logically – must have turned 21 which is sort of a ‘special birthday‘ in the US where my friend is from (of course you all know that, I‘m just pointing it out). 
On the menu we saw a little line saying something like: „Surprise present for those who have their birthday!“ So I went to ‘the bathroom‘ and asked the waiter if he could get this little pressie later. Then we got a small bottle of sparkling wine, sang a German and an English birthday song. Our bd boy seemed to be a bit embarrassed but hey... you have to expect that on your birthday. 
Then even 2 musicians came and played some more music for us. All sorts of birthday songs and other stuff for our American friend. When I wanted to pay for him he wouldn‘t let me, even though it was his birthday. But that didn‘t ruin the mood and we kept talking and laughing about stupid things like funny ID photos, etc... When our bd boy pulled out his hilarious photos we couldn‘t help but notice it: „Why does your ID say your birthday is in September?“ 
His only reaction was a big smile. 
(and then he added: “now imagine I would have let you pay for me...“) 
That was gold!

* I didn't hear the part where he said: "Let's just pretend it's one of our birthdays and try to get some free stuff!"


  1. hehe new hairstyle? ;)

  2. nah... just on that one. It's not part of the comic series I usually do.
