Wednesday 13 June 2012

Apply for uni

I applied for a college in Vienna to study Graphic Design. First there was an examination and then the interview where we had to show our portfolio. I so want to get into this uni, not only because I would like to stay in Vienna but also because the school offers a really good education. 
I reckon the interview went quite well and so I dare saying, I might actually get accepted. But I‘ll know for certain on the 18th of June. So lets be patient.  
They gave us a little homework which we had to take with us to the interview. There was not much time, so this is what I could come up with. (We had to visualise a scene from Homer‘s Odysseus when he and his crew sailed passed the island of the sirens.) 


  1. wizo können bei dir Meerjungfrauen fliegen?! ;)

  2. weil die Sirenen erst als Vogel-Mensch-Kreatur dargestellt wurden und erst später als Meerjungfrauen.
