Tuesday 10 July 2012

Old 3.0 – Work

During the summer break I was at home in Upper Austria. When I cleaned up my room I found a huge folder with old drawings from yeeeaaaars ago. 
A few works that wouldn‘t fit to the other categories. Conincidentally they were all made for a ‘special purpose‘. More in the description.
The pictures:
1|| alien: a draft for a ufo/alien for a stage setting (childrens service at church). The actual work was about 1x1,5 m big. A friend asked if he could take it home and put it up in his room because he liked it so much. I reckon that was in 2005/06
2|| diary cover: definitely 2009 because I drew it in Brazil as a cover for my diary
3|| muesli manfred: something I made for school as an ad for my muesli called ‘Manfred‘ (it basically was homework). 2006
4|| snake: a drawing I did in Brazil for the ‘mes de folclore‘ in 2009. It was the first draft for the ‘Boitatá‘ and this here was my reference
The other categories: 

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